After over a decade of being employed full-time with one company, the COVID-19 pandemic threw a few curveballs that forced me to pursue the path of self-employment and developing websites.

My professional experience includes working on websites, but it had been quite some time since I put together a site from the ground up. Prior to my full-time employment, I had a small web development business building websites from scratch that eventually became not economic due to WordPress and templates. Now, here I am using the technologies! If you can’t beat them, join them I suppose.


When I was approached by Ami Samuel Interiors, they had a website that they weren’t quite happy with. They wanted it to be more contemporary reflecting the quality of work that they do.

The client had also specified that they wanted to incorporate a rock star theme with interior design. At first, I had no idea how to combine the two concepts since they seemed so far apart, but I think we elegantly pulled it off without going over the top.

I’m pretty pleased with the finished product and the client claims they are too. The beautiful interior design photos made it really hard to create something that wasn’t aesthetically pleasing. You will find a few features on the site I find to be pretty fancy on the home and projects pages. Have a look for yourself!

Ami Samuel Interiors is located at 8920 Activity Rd Ste. K, San Diego, CA 92126.

Services Provided: Website Design, On-Site Search Engine Optimization, WordPress

Click here or on the image below to view the website.


Website Design For Ami Samuel Interiors

If you’re interested in creating a new website or want to give your current site a revamp, get a free website estimate here.

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