I was contacted by a Belgium artist, Natural Warp, to collaborate using art I had created to be sold and used as NFTs in virtual reality.


virtual reality nfts
Virtual Reality NFT Race Car

The concept was new to me, but I’m always open to new ideas pushing the boundaries of art and technology. So, hopefully, I can explain this in a way that makes sense and isn’t too overwhelming for non-techies.

NFTs have been in the news a lot lately. So, hopefully, you know what those are. If not, here’s the definition in the dictionary.

All of the 360° NFTs created below are directly usable in a virtual reality space (such as SomniumSpace VR) where they can be read directly from your wallet containing your crypto assets (NFTs). They are then placed onto your virtual estate and can be visited by you and anyone that has access to that virtual place.

To give you an example, you can visit Natural Warp’s VR Gallery here.



The original art started off like this.


checker torture 3d fractal art
Checker Torture 3D Fractal Art



After some back and forth and manipulation, we agreed on using this image for the virtual reality texture.


Calibration Pod Virtual Reality Texture



From there, our first venture included a 360° NFT that was published on KnownOrigin.


Calibration Pod



Natural Warp then received an opportunity where he applied the art to a virtual race car that was auctioned on OpenSea.


The owners of the NFT race cars can drive them around in a virtual space (such as Somnium Space) with a passenger. The doors even open like a Lamborghini!




The V-RACΞ auction and race was so popular, matching avatars were created to be sold as NFTs.


V-RACΞ Driver Suit “Calibration Pod”




Here’s a full breakdown on the V-RACΞ event and customizable car-matching crypto avatars.




And, that’s it for now. Hopefully, I’ll be adding more to this article soon.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or comment below.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more mad science art projects!